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Correlation Journal of Research in Astrology

Correlation 35.1
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Correlation 34.2
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Correlation 34.2
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Correlation 33.2
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Correlation 32.2
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Correlation 31.1
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Correlation Journal
Correlation was established in 1981, as the Astrological Association’s international biannual Journal of Research into Astrology. It publishes the finest peer-reviewed astrological research. Studies address empirical evidence and methodology of the correlation between the positions and movements of celestial bodies and their relation to life and physical processes on Earth.
Subscriptions are for two issues and include access to the complete online PDF archive of Correlation since 1968, which is held on The Astrological Association website. For hard copy subscriptions outside the UK £6.00 postage is added at checkout. Correlation (Two hard copies + online archive) – £16.00
Robert Currey, BSc. D.F.Astrol.S.
UK: 0800 834 861 (day time)
Australia: 1300 852 919 (evenings)
International: +44 1624 827000
For research go to correlationjournal.com
For personal astrology go to astrology.uk
Robert Currey is editor of Correlation Journal and Science Editor at the Astrology News Service and has authored ten peer-reviewed papers confirming empirical support for astrology.
In addition, Currey is a consultant astrologer, Astro*Carto*Grapher and researcher.
In 1989, he founded the Astrology Shop in Central London - still attracting international visitors. His company, Equinox operates worldwide and he has been a speaker at events in the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Currey has co-authored several books and presented a TV documentary on Astrology with actor, Christopher Lee. He also features in the media; addressing criticism of astrology via interviews and in published articles.
In 2016, he received a lifetime achievement award in India and in 2017 in the UK, the Charles Harvey award for astrological excellence.